There is also another interesting place but less commonly considered especially if you are in a tour group. The place is called Shifen (十份). It is located along the Pinxi (平溪)sub-railway trail. Three activities to consider in Shifen: release sky-lantern (天灯), natural waterfall (十份瀑布)and the small town itself. Though a small town, it is a place with characters: peaceful, simple and naturally beautiful.

Most visitors will likely to engage in releasing the sky-lantern here. NT$100 each (about S$4.50). you write and draw your best wishes on it before releasing it. Great feeling to see one lantern raising one after another.
Photos will tell you much more about it :-)
Besides Shifen, you can also release sky lantern at the Pinxi station, 2 stations away from Shifen. Accordingly to news reporting, it was very very crowded on the 15th day of the Chinese New Year as many people will travel to Pinxi to release sky lanterns as part of the celebration. I am sure thousands of sky lanterns would have scattered and brightened the sky with marvelous view.
Along the way, we ran into two couples taking their wedding photo around the area. It is, indeed, a very nice and unique place to be considered for it.
Though the signage shows that it takes 22 minutes to walk from the train station to the waterfall, it will likely to take 30 minutes or more per way. It can be quite a challenging walk out in the nature, sweaty. However, the waterfall is worth a view. :-) The only "complaint" that I have is the need to pay for an entrance fee to see it as it is managed by a private organization.
The visit to Shifen give me a pretty refreshing view of Taiwan as it has much more to offer than just shopping, night markets, street food etc. How to go toShifen ? Take a train from Taipei Main Station to Rueifang (瑞芳)station. Buy a unlimited day ride along the Pinxi line. Shifen is just one of the few stations along the Pinxi line. You can also visit the other stations along the way. The most important thing to look out for is the arriving time of the train as it will be at least an hour of waiting if u miss it. Ha...ha...ha...
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