Friday, August 28, 2009

Going to school

I have been driving my daughter to school in the morning whenever the timing is feasible. However, my daughter prefers that i walk her to the school instead of driving her. Initially, I though that she was tired of being in a car. After awhile, I realize that it is not.

It takes about 5 to 7 minutes to walk to the school. Along the way, there are 3 spots that there would be general slope. My daughter enjoys the thrill of moving down fast these general slopes. In addition, she can chase cats as and when it appears. I think, it is an enjoyable walk with fun activities. Sitting in a car is just too boring.

Though i prefer fetching her to school in the car so that i can go to work after that (and save some time), I follow her and walk to the school. While she is enjoying what she can possibly does along the way, i enjoy watching her learning and having some light moments "interacting" with the living environment. I can also show and explain to her how to cross the road. I will definitely miss the wonderful opportunity if i insist driving her to school just because I say so.

It is, indeed, a relaxing and enjoyable 5 to 7 minutes walk :-)

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