Friday, January 1, 2010


It can be pretty addictive to use iPhone. I use iPhone for:
- sms
- making calls at times
- play games
- take photos
- take videos
- search and install iPhone applications
- maps
- Catch news on, ChannelnewsAsia, iToday, ST and Wall Street Journal
- Dictionary
- Manage emails

Also, just bought three movies through iPhone using the iGV application to watch Alvin & Chipmunk 2.

Only 30% of my usage is on sms and making calls. It does not seem to be a phone to me. I can easily get online with the iPhone. Affordable data plan helps but 10 or 12GB plan seems to be a bit too much a month especially when the iPhone's battery will drain off pretty fast if constantly in use.

Nowadays, my daughter will ask me for iPhone whenever she is in the car and the first thing she wakes up in the morning. iPhone has replaced her favourite milk in the morning. Amazing. It is her possession and accompany. "This is my phone, ok" She will say. Sometimes, I have to appear angrily in order to get it back from her. If the iPhone is water-proof, i am sure she will bath together with iPhone as well :-)

Maybe it is time to consider an iPodtouch for her as I realize that iPhone is a good learning device for her. My next desktop replacement for the home will also be a touchscreen model so that she can easily navigate on her own and be empowered to decide what she wants to do with it and how to do it.

Btw, 60% of my team in office is using iPhone and going to 70% soon :-)

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