Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Arrival of iPad

It was reported in today's newspaper that Apple announced the availability of iPad in 9 more cities, including Singapore. Finally, it is here for sales from this Friday, 23 July 2010 onwards.

The retail prices area as follow:
For wifi only version - S$728 for 16GB, S$878 for 32GB and S$1,028 for 64GB and
For wifi + 3g version - S$928 for 16GB, S$1,078 for 32GB and S$1,228 for 64GB.

Basically, S$200 more for 3g version. It is a bit more than what I have budgeted for it but cheaper than those availability earlier through parallel import which was selling around S$1,900 per unit.

iPad will be selling through its authorized dealers and not the telcos. However, the telcos will be providing data plan for it. Well, will wait for awhile before buying one to play with it :-)

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