Thursday, May 14, 2009

Favourite authors

I enjoy reading books written by Cailan (蔡澜) and Yi Zhongtian (易中天). Cailan born in Singapore, studied in Japan and staying in Hong Kong. Yi Zhongtian born, studied and staying in China. He is a Professor with Xia Meng University.

Both authors publish pretty number of titles and they write on different topics. Cailan focus his writings on food, travel, novel, lifestyle, columnist etc while Yi Zhongtian focus his writings on China history, historical figures, society, arts etc.

Some of the books written by Cailan : 蔡澜谈日本,蔡澜谈电影,蔡澜的生活方式,蔡澜食典, 好色男女,老澜游记 etc
Some of the books written by Yi Zhongtian: 品三国,品人录,闲话中国人,中国的男人和女人 etc

There are a few reasons why I enjoy readings their books:
- Both adopt a pretty direct and simple writing style. I can easily understand what they are writing about.
- Both know how to engage or “tease” the reader with quality content.
- Besides reading leisurely, they allow me to be more knowledgeable about the subjects
- I feel good after reading their books
- Both encourages me to think more about the subject. They provide me with “space” to explore and learn.

Yi Zhongtian‘s writing tends to be more heavy (and dry at times) in content due to the nature of the subject. However, the author has definitely done an excellent job of cooking up a very interesting and enriching read. Foong Pheng advises me not to read so many books written by Cailan in case he “poison” my thinking/outlook on relationship, gender, lifestyle etc.


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