Human resource is an important and defining factor for any organization to succeed in this ever changing, connected and competitive marketplace. I happen to read an excellent writeup on the importance of people or talent in an organization as follows:
When u recruit a new staff, u have 人材。The person is considered "raw"and untested. The chinese character here ie 材 still has a "tree" ie "木". The person will need time, effort and be challenged to prove that he or she is capable and has the required "attributes" to contribute to the organization.
Once the person has proved his or her value then can the organization claims that it has the 人才 or talent, ie no more "tree" ie "木". With the talent and many more talent can then possible create the fortune ie 人财. The chinese character here ie 财 means money.
In short,
人材 -----> 人才 -----> 人财
Do you know who shared the above ? Terry Guo.
Who is Terry Guo ? The richest man in Taiwan, 郭台铭。
Ming Fung says that
能材 -----> 能才 -----> 能财
Who is Ming Fung ? Properly the richest man at home, 杨明峰.
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